Monday, March 30, 2020

Teaching Assistant Position at the UDel Office of Academic Extravaganza

Teaching Assistant Position at the UDel Office of Academic ExtravaganzaOne of the most exciting and rewarding positions in the education field is that of a teaching assistant in the UDel Office of Academic Extravaganza. Anyone with the appropriate experience can become an Academic Extravaganza teacher by assisting a tutor for an initial semester.The University's Office of Academic Extravaganza will need help in planning and directing the activities and meeting the goals of your student's class. The tasks vary depending on the type of task you are assigned to perform, but they include preparing curriculum and writing notes for lectures, recording lectures, supervising class activity and meeting with students in groups and individual settings, and distributing homework assignments to students.If you have expertise in any area related to tutoring, or if you are willing to travel to various locations to provide tutoring services, then you are qualified to apply for a tutoring job. You mu st be eligible to receive a scholarship from the Office of Academic Extravaganza.Our Scholarship Application states that your educational needs must be 'academic and extracurricular.' You must meet this standard to qualify for the scholarship. With that said, we strongly encourage you to apply for a free online application, which is available at the UDel website.In order to qualify for the scholarship, you must have an intent to teach full-time in a K-12 public school in the next four years. To improve your chances of being selected, you should submit a writing sample and a letter of interest, as well as a letter of support from your high school principal.When applying for the Scholarship, you will also be required to submit transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a syllabus. This is the same requirement as for the UDel Scholarship inthe Office of Academic Extravaganza.The Scholarship is available to employees of the UDel education or health care facility who demonstrate a commi tment to the educational environment of the community and to the goal of learning. You must be able to demonstrate your commitment to your community by working toward a healthy, environmentally-friendly environment.As a Teaching Assistant, you will work with various departments at the UDel facility, including counseling, school administration, and even science, because it is the way to gain valuable experience for future employment. Be sure to apply for the Scholarships in the UDel Office of Academic Extravaganza.

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