Thursday, March 5, 2020

Healthy Diets

Healthy Diets Diets for Losing Weight ChaptersLose Weight with the DASH DietLose Weight with the Mediterranean DietShed a Few Pounds with the Flexitarian DietLosing Weight with the Okinawa DietLosing Weight with Weight WatchersIntermittent Fasting for Weight LossKeeping the Weight Off with the Low-GI DietThe Light Dinner Diet“Healthy does NOT mean starving yourself EVER. Healthy means eating the right food in the right amount”. - Karen SalmansohnDon’t get caught up in fad diets that promise spectacular results. They can lead to deficiencies and cardiovascular problems and can be dangerous to your health. However, most of us will try a good number of them throughout our lives.If you want to lose weight, you just need to make a few changes and you’ll start to see a change. Drastic diets can be a source of frustration and can also lead you to give up on them altogether.The diets in this article are more likely to lead to sustained weight loss and fewer risks to your health. And a decreased chance of yoyoing. Rebecca Nutrition Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FernNutrition Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JehanNutrition Teacher £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FazNutrition Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AsherNutrition Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DelNutrition Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YusefNutrition Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneNutrition Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLose Weight with the DASH DietHave you heard of the DASH diet?It was created by the National Institute of Health in the US. DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension. By losing weight and reducing blood pressure, you reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease.   The DASH diet has nothing to do with running but a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain a healthy weight. (Source: sasint)It’s an eating plan rather than a diet. Everyone in the family can do it, which can help whoever’s trying to lose weight.There are very few saturated fats and sugars, which are bad for your heart. It’s designed to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol. You can lose around 4 to 6 pounds a month if you also exercise.So what do you eat? Whole grains with every meal.Five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.Two or three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products per day.Six or fewer servings of meat, poultry, or fish per day.Two to three servings of fats and oils per day.Four or five servings of nuts, seeds, dry beans, and peas per week.A maximum of two servings of natural sugars per day.Find out more about eating healthily.Lose Weight with the Mediterranean DietThe Mediterranean diet is one of the best in the world. While quite high in fats, Medi terranean populations have some of the best cardiovascular health in the world.Why?Thanks to olive oil, vegetables, nuts, fish fats, seafood, and very few processed products. Olive oil is a core ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. (Source: stevepb)How can you adopt a Mediterranean diet?Here are the rules to follow:A lot of cooked or raw fruits and vegetables as the foundation for every meal.Olive oil, dried fruits, herbs, and spices.Whole grains and dried vegetables with every meal.Lots of water.Fish and seafood at least twice a week. Eggs are also regularly consumed.White meat a bit less. Red meat is quite uncommon in the Mediterranean diet.Small amounts of dairy products other than a few goat’s or sheep’s milk yoghurts.A moderate amount of red wine.Very few sweets and processed foods.Discover the best meals for losing weight.Shed a Few Pounds with the Flexitarian DietThe flexitarian diet was born in the 1990s in the US and is both good for you and the planet. The goal is to eat less meat and fish without becoming vegetarian or vegan.While no particular foods are forbidden, there are certain foods that you should eat less of. This isn’t a regime for losing weight but it can lead to it.So what do you eat?White meat once or twice a week.Fish once or twice a week.A lot of cooked or raw fruits and vegetables as the foundation for every meal.Vegetable proteins: soy, dried fruits, pulses, wholegrain cereals.Organic and natural products: buy local and avoid processed foods. RebeccaNutrition Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FernNutrition Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JehanNutrition Teacher £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FazNutrition Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AsherNutrition Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DelNutrition Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YusefNutrition Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneNutrition Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLosing Weight with the Okinawa DietThe Okinawa Diet is from Japan, the country with the highest number of peop le reaching the age of 100. The lifestyle and diets of the inhabitants have led to them leading longer lives. To avoid weight gain or lose weight, the Okinawa Diet is rich in Omega 3 and micro-nutrients.The Okinawa Diet at a glance:A lot of fruits, vegetables, and fish.Don’t keep eating until you’re full and only eat small portions.Opt for a variety of colours on your plate.Eat slightly cooked foods and don’t use microwaves or barbecues.Cook and consume foods separately.Here’s an example of a semi-vegetarian daily diet:7 to 13 servings of vegetables.7 to 13 servings of whole grains.2 to 4 fruits.2 to 4 servings of soy or cabbage.2 to 4 servings of high-calcium foods (broccoli, fish, yoghurt, cheese).1 to 3 servings of foods rich in Omega-3 (fish, seafood, nuts, grains).1 to 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and condiments (herbs, spices, soy sauce).Tea.8 glasses of water.Discover some great ingredients for weight loss.Losing Weight with Weight WatchersIf you’re looking for an effective diet and a community to support you while you lose weight, Weight Watchers is what you’re after. The programme is based on eating a healthy and varied diet with weekly meetings to keep you motivated. Weight Watchers is a diet that also comes with support from others. (Source: silviarita)It works on a system of points according to your age, gender, size, weight, and activity levels. You can lose around 15% of your weight after just two months by following these principles:Eat a varied diet.Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day.Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.Eat three dairy products per day.Reduce the amount of fat consumed.Exercise regularly.Intermittent Fasting for Weight LossIntermittent fasting is an excellent way to effectively lose weight in the long-term. This is done by only eating for a given 8 hours during the day and fasting for the remaining 16 hours.For example, you can only eat between 12:00 and 20:00 and you don’t eat the rest of the time. While we say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, in this case, you can’t have it.During the fasts, you can drink water, tea, or coffee, without sugar, of course. This will encourage your bod y to burn fat and you’ll lose weight. Similarly, intermittent fasting can reduce cholesterol.The advantage of this is that you’ll lose weight progressively, which will help you keep the weight off.Learn how to lose weight healthily.Keeping the Weight Off with the Low-GI DietMany studies have shown that sugar is as addictive as several banned substances. Much like these banned substances, sugar can be really bad for your health. The Low-GI Diet consists of consuming slow-sugars. You'll want to swap out certain sugars for other ingredients. (Source: fancycrave1)Quick sugars will raise your glycemic index and the secretion of insulin, leading to fat being stored.So what can’t you eat?White bread.Soft drinks and fruit juices.Sugary desserts.Potatoes.Pasta (except for whole-grain pasta).Rice cakes.Instead, you can have brown bread, pulses, brown rice, whole grain pasta, fruits, and vegetables. You’ll soon start feeling it and losing weight. You’ll also feel less bloated and have more energy.The Light Dinner DietLet’s finish with the easiest diet to follow. Most of us eat a balanced diet throughout the day and have dinner later on. Dinner is usually the meal where we gain the most weight. This is because we don’t do anything after dinner.  If you’re hungry before bed, eat an apple or drink herbal tea.For dinner:A vegetable-based starter.A light protein-based dish cooked on the grill or in the oven.An apple for dessert.So which healthy diet will you be trying?If you'd like to learn more about healthy eating, nutrition, and cooking, consider getting help from one of the many talented and experienced private tutors on Superprof. There are several different types of tutorials available but they all fall into one of three main categories: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials take place between just the tutor and one student. This means that all the tutor's attention is on you. While this is great for ensuring that you learn quickly, it also comes at a cost. Outside of your tutorials, the tutor will be preparing and planning your lessons and will factor this extra time into their hourly rates. Face-to-face tutorials are usually the most costly type of tutorial but they're also usually the most effective.Online tutorials are similar to face-to-face tutorials as they have the same tutor-student ratio. However, your tutor won't be in the same place as you. Instead, they'll teach you remotel y using a computer, webcam, and video conferencing software like Skype. Since the tutor doesn't have to travel to their students and can schedule more tutorials each week, they tend to charge less than their face-to-face counterparts.Finally, group tutorials are between one tutor and several students. With each student paying for the tutor's time, these tend to work out as the cheapest per student per hour. Unfortunately, the tutor won't be able to tailor the tutorials or the course to each student.

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